Abraham Maslow
His Teachings
He began teaching full time at Brooklyn College from 1937 to 1951. During 1951, Maslow became Head of the Department of Psychology at Brandeis which lasted ten years. He was deeply committed to the University's growth and development.In 1951, Abraham Maslow left Brooklyn College to move to the newly established Brandeis University. There he remained till 1969, a year before his death. During this period, he refined his ideas, moving towards a better or more common theory of human nature.
His Marriage
At nineteen, he finally got up enough nerve to kiss his cousin Bertha. He was amazed and delighted when she did not reject him. Her acceptance and love was a tremendous boost. During the year 1928, he married Bertha Goodman, against his parents' wishes. Abraham and Bertha went on to have two daughters named Ane and Alen.
His Reaserches
In New York, Maslow found two mentors, anthropologist Ruth Benedict and Gestalt Psychologist Max Wertheimer (the founder of Gestalt School of Psychology.) Under the influences of these two personalities, who were so accomplished in both realms, and such "wonderful human beings" as well, that Maslow began taking notes about them and their behavior. This became the basis of turning point for research and thinking about mental health and human potential. He has written about the two psychologists : "I have come to think of this humanist trend in psychology as a revolution in the truest oldest sense of the word, the sense in which Galileo, Darwin, Einstein, Freud and Marx made revolutions, i.e. new ways of perceiving and thinking, new images of man and of society, new conceptions of ethics and the values, and new directions in which to move.
At Wisconsin, he pursued an original line of research, investigating primate dominance behavior and sexuality. He went on to further research at Columbia University, continuing similar studies.In 1935, he became research assistant to Thorndike. There he became interested in human sexuality.
Later that year, he became full time professor at Brooklyn College.Soon Maslow became a well-educated figure. He illustrated the value of good company. For lack of it, most people succumb to much that may grow to become much unwelcome.
Dr. Abraham Maslow was one of the founders of humanistic psychology and a bright chap. His intelligence quotient (I.Q.) was 195.Maslow also inspired the founding of the journal 'Transpersonal Psychology', in which he published his own researches on human potential.A person desires first one thing and then another - Maslow first became known for thinking that there is an order in the succession of motives.He found that persons in whom all lower needs are satisfied, a new motive can be observed, the drive for self-actualization responsible for becoming everything that one is capable of becoming.Overall, Maslow fits better with philosophers than psychologists. All the same, his theories have gained wide acceptance, and his work had created the school of humanistic psychology.The American Psychologist Abraham H. Maslow, considered to be one of the leading architects of humanistic psychology, proposed a hierarchy of needs or drives in order of decreasing priority o to the University's growth and development.In 1951, Abraham Maslow left Brooklyn College to move to the newly established Brandeis University. There he remained till 1969, a year before his death. During this period, he refined his ideas, moving towards a better or more common theory of human nature. |