Is stress making you ache? It can be the overlooked cause of headaches, back pain, neck aches and more. How to ease the tension
The unmeetable deadline, the never-satisfied boss, the you-don't-deserve-him mother-in-law: We all know how pressure and aggravation make us feel. Not just in terms of emotional stress (that's a given), but how they tangibly, really feel -- the racing heartbeat, the churning gut, the dry mouth. Mental stress has always had its physical component. In fact, that's what the stress response is: the visceral priming of the body to either fight or run away from a perceived danger. Less well recognized is that even chronic, unpleasant stress, the kind that's so constant you consider it normal, can cause aches and pains that you might not attribute to emotions.
"Many people who have stress-related pain aren't even aware of what they're fearful or angry about," says Ian Wickramasekera, Ph.D., clinical professor of psychiatry at Stanford University Medical School. By some estimates, half of the patients doctors see for various common body aches are actually expressing psychological distress through physical pain. Stress experts across the country saw evidence of this after the terrorist attacks last September. "In 30 years of specializing in stress-related diseases, I've never seen more flare-ups of physical pain, even in people who'd been free of symptoms for years," Wickramasekera says. (Intrigued Stanford scientists immediately launched a study of the phenomenon.)
The source of stress-related pain lies in the brain, which, when you feel under the gun, triggers the release of cortisol, adrenaline and other hormones that prepare the body for action by, for example, increasing heart rate, blood pressure and respiration. Less noticeably, these hormones also make muscles tense up, which can cause aches and irritate nerves.
Here's a guide to the areas stress hits most often, and simple steps you can take to relieve the pain:
Low-back painBack pain can be caused by many different factors, such as poor posture or pressure on the spine from long hours of sitting. But a classic Swedish study of low-back pain in the workplace more than a decade ago showed that women who reported signs of stress such as dissatisfaction, worry and fatigue were more likely to experience low-back pain than those who had physical stressors like doing a lot of lifting. More recently, researchers at Ohio State University found that when volunteers felt stressed (from a snippy lab supervisor criticizing them as they tried lifting an object at a certain rate of speed), they used their back muscles in ways that made them more susceptible to injury. "I expect you'd see this even more in the real world, where stress is experienced over long periods and you care more about your task," says study co-author Catherine Heaney, Ph.D., associate professor of public health. To ease the twinge of low-back pain: |