Examples on Positive Thinking
Being anxious won't hurt anything.
It won't be so bad. I'll feel great when it's over and done with.
It'll get easier with practice.
My fear will come and go. It's OK.
It will be over in no time.
I'll try my best. I'll just have to fake it until I make it! |
I wish I could just get some sleep.
Oh no! It's already 2 A.M. Darn it!
I never get enough sleep. Oh, I hate insomnia!
When will I ever get to sleep!
It's been one hour already. I just know this is going to be a bad night.
If I don't sleep soon, tomorrow will be awful.
It always takes me forever to fall asleep. |
It's so nice to thoroughly relax and let my mind wander where it will.
My body will get the rest it needs.
If I don't sleep much tonight, I'll make up for it tomorrow night.
Just relax and get some good rest. No use worrying about it.
I guess I'll read a book until I get tired.
It's so cozy to just lie here and rest. This is really pleasant. |
Dwelling on desires, cravings.
I'll never be able to quit for very long.
I've been an addict for too long. I wouldn't know what to do without it.
Life would be boring without my highs.
I hate doing chores without getting high!
I can't flirt without drinking.
Withdrawal would be horrible. I can't go through it.
Withdrawal is too hard. I give up. |
I need new activities to keep my mind off my addiction. I'll do gardening, jogging, and artwork.
If I can flirt drinking, I can learn to do it without drinking.
It's going to be tough, but I'm determined to succeed.
I'll get used to partying and doing my chores without getting high.
Maybe I won't have any withdrawal symptoms.
Once this withdrawal ends, I'll be free. |